1 - Short versus long vowels - you need to develop an ear, while learning Arabic, to recognize the long vowels short. This is not at all slightly. The long vowels take twice the time to say that the short vowels. As long as your ear can not hear the difference you will be struggling with reading, spelling and even speaking. Your ear should be transformed into a "radar" to detect the length of the vowels. No ifs or ands about it!
2 - Light versus heavy letters - English, who wish to learn Arabic, need for straight ears and wake up. English uses only the light sounds that are created in the dental area (mouth and upper throat). However, Arabic uses all these light sounds more fraught with sounds glottal (deep throat region). In the early stages of Arabic learning, it is a question to: Yes, I can create sounds of this part of my body! Later, he comes to create these sounds not only reliable but effortlessly without sounding like you pulled a spoon to scrape your throat! Even if you create "severe" sounds, ironically, these sounds must be heard as soft/hard if you get my drift.
3 - Writing in Arabic — so what are all these funny looking letters? And should I really write from right to left? Yes, you! It is easy to change the reading and writing direction, but it must be a bit of practice to write in Arabic. Personally, I found students does complain do too much, if at all, learning to write the letters and words. It is not that all of the bad. Get on YouTube and watch a video showing "an actual hand moving" writing so you can see what is happening above and below the line and the branch.
4 - Diacritics - now reach us the good things! Diacritics do not exist in the English language and use limited in English and romance languages in the broad sense. But, welcome to Arabic. What are all those seeking funny symbols (about six of them) written above and below most of the letters. Well, if you view some of these diacritics as "additional letters" it could simplify the State of mind. The interesting aspect is however you need to achieve a level of comfort not only read all the letters horizontally, but also the diacritics vertically. Our eyes, such as English, are used to pass a letter to another to complete a Word; but Arab requires that our eyes move from a letter to a sign combining back to a letter again - this practice. Therefore, your eyes are repeatedly travel slightly above and below each letter as you read a Word to capture the diacritics. Quickly, you realize that these diacritics are also important as the classics for the correct pronunciation of a Word. Beginners wrongly treat the diacritics as secondary or read inconsistently. More experienced students will never miss a diacritic.
But here's the thing: diacritics are omitted in texts more Arabs while only retained in Arab language learning material! "What?" say you! You just finished saying how they are important. EH well, English silent letters and many words is written not as they sound. We remember the pronunciation of the word because we have heard. Of same, Arabic is based on phonetic memory and therefore you do not have diacritics so that you can along at any time. If you have a problem with the pronunciation of the word you can find it in the dictionary where diacritics are retained.
5 - A more wide use of possession - sometimes possession in Arabic is used for both names "related" to one another. This is not the case in English. In English, you simply say that has and what is to be owned. Consequently, Arabic has a wider use of the possessive construction.
6 - Active participles instead of verbs in spoken Arabic - Arabic spoken, even much more than the MSA, tends to replace the verb with a verbal noun or an adjective often called active participles. Find a good list of Arabic participles, Active, and begin to learn from them. Wrongly using a verb instead of an asset participates creates an awkward construction, but you will be understood.
7 - Sharing the language with native speakers in General, English native speakers are more accustomed to having their language spoken by speakers non-natives as the Arabs. The maternal years English has become more and more forgiving when the plural s / es is abandoned or words are pronounced incorrectly. English kindergarten tend to be calm as they listen carefully... probably because they know just as many Aboriginal speak the language to English as they do.
Arabic-speaking natives, however, were not in the face every day in three to five individuals of Arab learning. This means that they are simply not used to it. And as with anything that is unfamiliar, it carries the challenge of the unknown. In other words, if you talk to a native Arabic speaker, and your pronunciation and sentence construction is just bad... reassure him that it will survive your Arabic. Usually done with a smile. Arabs have a deep regard for anyone learning their language that they need just to ensure that all is well in the city of broken language.
Once you are aware of the common challenges it gets only easier.
What is so easy on Arabic?
Many factors and none of them can be neglected.
There is no silent letters (which facilitates the spelling), gender is easy to recognize (and therefore it is sufficient to recall the noun and not gender-that makes the big time) and learning new words is intuitive because the root system. A trio of consonants within a Word can fall within the common general meaning - such as "d-r-s can mean a school, teaching and learning."
The http://arabiccomplete.com/Editor
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